- Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, ICSMFE v.2 The friction jacket cone as an aid in determining the soil profile Begemann,H.K.S.
- Pattern Recognition with Fuzzy Objective Function Algorithms Bezdek,J.C.
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.113 High-resolution landform classification using fuzzy k-means Burrough,P.A.;P. F. M. van Gaans;R.A.MacMillan
- Proceeding of Conference on Cone Penetration Testing and Experience Soil classification using electric cone penetrometer Douglas,B.J.;Olsen,R.S.
- Computer and Geotechnics v.21 no.1 Fuzzy representation and reasoning in geotechnical site characterization Huang,Y.T.;T.J.Siller
- J. of Geotechnical Engineering v.103 no.GT11 Probabilistic Medelin of Soil Profiles Erik,H.Vanmarcke
- CUPT. Proceedings of the 2nd European Symposium on Penetration Testing, ESOPT-2 v.2 Piezometer penetration testing Jones,G.A.;Rust,E.
- International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics v.16 Modelling and analysis of non-random uncertainties-fuzzy-set approach Juang,C.H.;Xin,H.Huang;David J. Elton
- Geoderma v.77 Fuzzy k-means clustering of fields in an elementary catchment and explolation to a large area Lagacherie,P.;D.R.Cazemier;P. F. M. van Gaans;P.A.Burrough
- Geoderma v.77 Uncertainty in prediction and interpolation of spatially variable data on soils Lark,R.M.;H.C.Bolam
- Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society v.3 no.2 A reliability study on estimating shear strength of marine soil using CPT Lee In-Mo;Lee Myung-Jae
- Proceedings of American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE, In-Situ 86 Specialty Conference no.6 Use of piezometer cone data Robertson,P.K.;Campanella,R.G.;Gillespie,D.;Grieg,J.;S.Clemence(ed.)
- Canadian Geotechnical Journal v.27 no.1 Soil Classification Using the CPT Robertson,P.K.
- Proc. of the First European Symposium on Penetration testing, ESOPT-1 v.2 Direct soil classification by static cone penetrometer with special friction sleeve Sanglerat,G.;Nhim,T.V.;Sejourne,M.;Andina,R.
- Report FHWA-TS-78209 Guidelines for cone test, performace, and design Schmertmann,J.H.
- In-situ Testing of Soil Properties for Transportation, Transportation Research Record no.1235 Evaluation of soil parameters from piezocone test Senneset,K.;Sandven,R.;Janbu,N.
- The Transactions of The Korean Information Processing Society v.7 no.9 Image segmentation based on the fuzzy clustering algorithm using average intercluster distance You Hyun-Jai;Ahn Kang-Sik;Seok-Je Cho
- Journal of Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers v.45 no.2 Comparative study of Dutch cone and piezocone test on soft ground Won Jeong-Yun;Chang Pyoung-Wuck;Woo, Chull-Woong;Yun, Sang-Muk