아트리움 공간의 수직공기온도분포 계산을 위한 수학모형의 작성

Mathematical Modeling for Calculating the Vertical Air Temperature Distribution in an Atrium Space

  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


This study aims to propose a simplified mathematical model for calculating vertical air temperature distribution in a four-sided atrium. In the first stage of the mathematical modeling, the computer model combined zonal model and solar radiation model using Monte Carlo method and Ray tracing technique went through a computer simulation with architectural variables applied to a four-sided atrium in summer. In the next stage, Curve Expert, a computer program that gets the most suitable solution ac-cording to the least squares method, is used to analyze the results of the computer simulation and to derive the mathematical model. The accuracy of the mathematical model was evaluated through a comparison of calculation results from a mathematical model and computer simulation. In this validation step using the least square method, the R2 value of the Zones 1, 2 and 3 showed higher than 0.945. Zone 4 has an R2 value of 0.911, lower than the previous three zones. However the relative error was below 0.5%, which is considered very small.



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  4. ASHRAE Transactions v.99 no.1 A simplified model for predicting vertical temperature distribution in a large space Togari,S.;Arai,Y.;Miura,K.
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