조경설계에 나타난 공간의 특성 -시청 앞 광장 현상공모 입상작을 중심으로-

Spatial Characteristics Shown in Landscape Design -Focusing on Five Winning Design Proposals for the Seoul City Hall Plaza Design Competition

  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


The purpose of this study is to investigate how five winning design proposals for the Seoul City Hall Plaza Design Competition have shown the spatial characteristics by comparing and reviewing them. Each design proposal shown different approaches that reveal the spatial characteristics. Through scrutinizing these design proposals, some similar and different aspects among them were identified. In order to examine these aspects, the winning design proposals were analysed and compared based on five categories such as design concepts, main facilities, representation of historical images, spatial connection, and event programs. Gilles Deleuze explained the spatial characteristics as striated space and smooth space. Striated space could be defined as sedentary space. It is distant vision-optical space that has dimensional, metric, and centered characteristics, whereas smooth space is defined as nomadic, close vision-haptic space that has directional and acentered characteristics. This study focused on the analysis of spatial characteristics according to smooth space and striated space. Based on the analysis of the spatial characteristics according to the smooth and striated space, some design proposals shown more characteristics of striated space while other proposals shown more characteristics of smooth space. Those design proposals that shown more characteristics of smooth space reveal flexible or changeable shape and void space, whereas the others that shown more characteristics of striated space try to suggest apparent guidelines for the future use by retaining the idea of a plaza through the concrete shape. This study, which analyzed the winning design proposals based on the spatial characteristics according to the smooth and striated space, can be used to analyze the designs and could help to develop a new methodology with a different perspective. furthermore, it could provide practical and creative design strategies for landscape design.



  1. 창발성 혹은 공간의 인공생명(정지성,"Anywhere:공간의 논리") 샌포드퀸터
  2. 서울특별시공고제2002-1300호 서울시청 앞 광장조성 설계공모
  3. 한국의 도시경관 : 우리도시의 모습, 그 변천·이론·전망 이규목
  4. 겹쳐진 도시, 마르세이유(정지성,"Anywise:건축의 도전") 이그나시드솔라;모랄레스루비오
  5. 노마디즘2:천의 고원을 넘나드는 유쾌한 철학적 유목 이진경
  6. 환경과 조경 no.162 조경:사람과 땅이 어울린 이야기(9) 진양교
  7. 접을 곳을 알라(정지성,"Anywhere:공간의 논리") 피터아이젠만
  8. 환경과조경 no.179 서울시청 앞 광장조성 설계공모
  9. Mille Plateaux : Capitalisme et Schizophr$\'{e}$nie;A Thousand Plateaus : Capitalism and Schizophrenia Deleuze,G.;F.Guattari;B.Massumi(tr.)
  10. Mille Plateaux : Capitalisme et Schizoph$\'{e}$nie;천개의 고원 Deleuze,G.;F.Guattari;김재인(역)
  11. Diferencias : Topografia de la Arquitectura Contempor$\'{a}nea;Differences : Topographies of Contemporary Architecture Sola-Morales Rubi$\'{o}$,I.;G.Tompson(tr.)