광릉수목원 혼합림에서 복사 에너지의 계절 변화 특성

Characteristics of the Seasonal Variation of the Radiation in a Mixed Forest at Kwangneung Arboretum

  • 김연희 (기상청 기상연구소 응용기상연구실) ;
  • 조경숙 (기상청 기상연구소 지구대기감시관측소) ;
  • 김현탁 (기상청 기상연구소 응용기상연구실) ;
  • 엄향희 (기상청 기상연구소 응용기상연구실) ;
  • 최병철 (기상청 기상연구소 지구대기감시관측소)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


The measurement of the radiation energy, trunk temperature, leaf area index (LAI), air temperature, vapor pres-sure, and precipitation has been conducted under a mixed forest at Kwangneung Arboretum during the period of 2001. Characteristics of the diurnal and seasonal variation of the radiative energy were investigated. The aerodynamic roughness length was determined as about 1.6 m and the mean albedo was about 0.1 The downward short-wave radiation was linearly correlated with the net radiation and its correlation coefficient was about 0.96. From this linear relation, the heating coefficient was calculated and its annual mean value was about 0.21 The albedo and heating coefficient was varied with season, surface characteristics, and meteorological conditions. The diurnal and seasonal variations of radiation energy were discussed in terms of the surface characteristics and meteorological conditions. In the daytime, during clear skies, net radiation was dominated by the shortwave radiation. In presence of clouds and fog, the radiation energy was diminished. At night, the net radiation was entirely dominated due to the net longwave radiation. There was no distinct diurnal variation in net radiation flux during the overcast or rainy days. The net radiation was strongest in spring and weakest in winter. The seasonal development in leaf area was also reflected in a strong seasonal pattern of the radiation energy balance. The timing, duration, and maximum leaf area and trunk temperature were found to be an important control on radiation energy budget. The trunk temperature was either equal or warmer than air temperature during most of the growing season because the canopy could absorb a substantial amount of sunlight. After autumn (after the middle of October), the trunk temperature was consistently cooler than air temperature.



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