한국과 일본의 패션마케팅 교육에 관한 비교 연구

A Comparative Analysis of Fashion Marketing Education between Korea and Japan

  • 이윤정 (독일 뮌스터대학교 박사과정 의상직물 전공)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


Fashion Marketing is gaining more importance as Korean apparel industry undergoes ever-increasing competition and consumer power. As a result, Fashion marketing education come to play a more significant role in university level. This empirical research aims to compare fashion marketing education between Korea and Japan, owing to mail survey to university professors in both countries, regarding educational conditions, methods and performance. The results show that Korean education overall dominates Japanese one in terms of educational methods and performance. But Korea lies behind Japan in some educational conditions, such as class size, industry-university cooperation and age structure of professors, which needs to be improved.



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  2. 21세기를 향한 교육공학의 이론과 실제 문제중심학습과 구성주의 이론 강인애;김영수(편저);강명희(편저);정재삼(편저)
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