- 경영학논집 v.27 no.2 소비자의 가격촉진반응에 있어서 브랜드충성도 및 촉진이용 심리차원의 영향관계에 대한 연구-쿠폰촉진을 중심으로- 곽동성;김진영
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- Journal of Marketing v.51 no.October The coupon-prone consumer: Some findings based on purchase behavior across product class Bawa,K.;Shoemaker,R.W.
- Journal of Marketing Research v.15 no.August Identifying the deal prone segment Blattberg,R.C.;Buesing,T.;Peacock,P.;Sen,S.K.
- Sales promotion: Concepts, methods, and strategies Blattberg,R.C.;Neslin,S.A.
- Journal of Marketing v.64 no.October A benefit congruency framework of sales promotion effectiveness Chandon,P.;Wansink,B.;Laurent,G.
- Journal of Retailing v.68 no.3 Just what is a dollar`s worth? Consumer reactions to price discounts vs. extra product promotions Diamond,W.D.
- Advances in Consumer Research v.12 Modelling the coupon redemption decision Henderson,C.M.
- Unpublished doctoral dissertation A multivariate examination of a patronage model:The impact of values and life styles on shopping orientations Howell,R.D.
- A framework for marketing management Kotler,P.
- Journal of Retailing v.73 no.2 An exmination of deal proneness across sales promotion types: A consumer segmentation perspective Lichtenstein,D.R.;Burton,S.;Netemeyer,R.G.
- Journal of Marketing v.54 no.July Distinguishing coupon proneness from value consciousness: An acquisition-transaction utility theory perspective Lichtenstein,D.R.;Netemeyer,R.G.;Burton,S.
- Journal of Marketing Research v.31 no.November An integrated framework for relating diverse consumer characteristics to supermarket coupon redemption Mittal,B.
- Perspectives in consumer behavior(3rd ed.) Buyers` perceptions of price: An update of the evidence Monroe,K.B.;Petroshius,S.M.;H.Kassarjian(ed.);T.S.Robertson(ed.)
- Marketing Science v.3 no.2 A price discrimination theory of coupons Narasimhan,C.
- Journal of Marketing Research v.33 no.February Measuring the dynamic effects of promotions on brand choice Papatla,P.;Krishnamurthi,L.
- Journal of Consumer Affairs v.20 A methodology for profiling consumers` decision-making styles Sproles,G.B.;Kendall,E.
- Journal of Product & Brand Management v.7 no.5 Concepts and strategy guidelines for designing value enhancing sales promotions Srinivasan,S.S.;Anderson,R.E.
- Journal of Retailing v.73 no.2 An examination of deal proneness across sales promotion types: A consumer segmentation perspective Lichtenstein,D.R.;Burton,S.;Netemeyer,R.G.
- 한국의류학회지 v.18 no.3 소비자의 의복쇼핑에 관한 연구 이은영;김소영