- ANSI/IEEE std 802.11, 1999 Edi-tion: 'Wireless LAN Medium AccessControl(MAC) and Physical Layer(PHY) Specifications'
- IEEE Std 802.11e/D4.0(Draft Supp-lement to IEEE Std 1999Edition): 'Medium Access Control(MAc) Enhancements for Quality of Service(Qos)'
- IEEE Draft P802.15.3/D17: 'Wire-less Medium Access Control(MAC)and Physical Layer(PHY) Specifi-cations for High Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks(WPAN)'
- http.//
- 안재영, 오덕길, 김재명, '무선 LAN 기술동향,' 한국통신학회지, Vol.19, PP.616-636, 2002년 5월