The Caloric Intake Status and the Eating Habits in College Male Students Living Alone or Sharing Accommodation with Friends

남자 대학생의 동거 유무에 따른 에너지 섭취와 식습관의 비교

  • 박영숙 (순천향대학교 응용과학부 식품영양학전공) ;
  • 이보경 (유한대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 이보숙 (한양여자대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2003.06.01


To investigate effects of the shared living on nutrient intakes,250 college male students who were living alone (104 men) or sharing accommodation with friends (134 men) were participated. Their average age was 22.6 years, their average height was 171.8 cm, their average weight was 65.6 kg and their average Body Mass Index (BMI) was 22.2. The caloric intakes of the men living alone or sharing accommodation were 55.9% and 72.5% of the Korean Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), respectively. The decreased caloric level of the group living alone seemed to be due to their decreased protein and fat consumption as compared to that of the group sharing accommodation. The group living alone consumed increased amounts of fiber for breakfast and half the carbohydrates, but more fat (p < 0.05) in snacks than the group sharing accommodation. The daily carbohydrate : protein : fat (C : P : F) ratio averaged 58.6 14.1 27.3, which is a lower carbohydrate and a higher fat ratio than the Korean recommended ratio. However, the group living alone was closer to the Korean recommended ratio than the group sharing accommodation. The food intake habits were evaluated as being poorer in the group living alone as compared to the group sharing accommodation, less frequent consumption of fried / pan-fried dishes, and fruits / juices, but more frequent consumption of instant / processed foods. In comparing the eating patterns of the two groups, the group living alone showed better eating habits, such as more“breakfast eating”and less“snacking in the morning, afternoon or late at night”whereas the group sharing accommodation showed better eating habits such as less“picky eaters”and less “eating out”. In the group living alone, their lower caloric intake was assumably due to their fewer side dishes, however they showed higher eating frequencies of instant i processed foods. Since the lifestyle of living alone seems to grow gradually among young men, we strongly recommend dietary education for them.



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