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- MIS Quarterly v.16 no.2 Perceived usefulness: ease of use, and usage of information technology: a replication Adams,D.A.;Nelson,R.P.;Todd.P.A.
- Information Systems Research v.9 no.2 A conceptual and operational definition of personal innovativeness in the domain of information technology Agarwal,R.;Prasad,J.
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- Journal of Consumer Research v.20 no.Mar. Work and/or Fun:Measuring Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping Value Babin,B.J.;Griffin,M.;Darden,W.R.
- MIS Quarterly v.13 no.3 Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology Davis,F.D.
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- Management Science v.35 no.Aug. User acceptance of computer technology: a comparison of two theoretical models Davis,F.D.;Bagozzi,R.P.;Warshaw,P.R.
- MIS Quarterly v.17 no.2 On the test-retest reliability of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use scales Hendrickson,A.R.;Massey,P.D.;Cronan,T.P.
- Journal of Marketing v.47 no.Sum Hedonic Consumption: Emerging Concept, Method, and Propositions Hirschman,E.C.;Holbrook,M.
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- MIS Quarterly v.21 no.3 Personal computing acceptance factors in small firms: A structured equation model Igbaria,M.N.;Zinatelli,P.;Cragg,A.;Leitch,L.M.
- Journal of Electronic Commerce v.1 no.2 Consumer Reaction to Electronic Shopping on the World Wide Web. Jarvenpaa,S.L.;Todd,P,A,
- Communications of the ACM v.41 no.7 Electronic Shopping: How Do Customer Interfaces Produce Sales On The Internet? Lohse,G.L.;Spiller,P
- Information Systems Research v.2 no.Sep. Predicting user intentions: comparing the technology acceptance model with the theory of planned behavior Mathieson,K.
- Information and Management v.38 Extending the TAM for a world-wide-web context Moon,J.M.;Kim,Y.G.
- Information systems Research v.2 no.3 Development of an instrument to measure the perceptions of adopting an information technology innovation Moore,G.G.;Benbasat,I.
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- Journal of Consumer Research v.9 no.Mar On the Meaning of Leisure:An Investigation of Some Determinants of the Subiective Experience Unger,L.S.;Keman,J.B.
- Information Systems Research v.11 no.4 Determinants of Perceived Ease of Use: Integrating Control, Intrinsic Motivation, and Emotion into the Technology Acceptance Modell Venkatesh,V.
- Management Science v.46 no.2 A Theoretical Extension of the Technolgy Acceptance Model: Four longitudinal field studies Venkatesh,V.;Davis,F.D.