TV 홈쇼핑에서의 패션제품 구매자의 강박 구매

Compulsive Buying of Fashion Goods Purchasers on TV Home Shopping Shows

  • 발행 : 2003.05.01


The convenience of TV home shopping is known to provoke compulsive buying, which is chronic and repetitive purchasing behavior that comes about as a response to negative events or feelings. The purpose of this study was to identify whether there is a difference in the degree of compulsive buying between the purchasers of fashion goods and the purchasers of non-fashion goods on TV home shopping shows and the determinants of compulsive buying and their relative importance. Utilizing the convenient sampling method, the sample of the study was composed of women aged over 20 living in the Seoul metropolitan area. Out of 380 distributed questionnaires, 270 useful questionnaires were returned. The data were analyzed using t-test, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression. The results indicated that TV home shoppers who purchased fashion goods showed higher degree of compulsive buying than those who purchased non-fashion goods and the determinants of compulsive buying are sample's age, mean age of the sample's children, credit usage, expenditure on fashion goods, frequency of purchase of fashion goods on TV home shopping shows, and promotional tools used by TV home shopping retailers. Regarding the relative importance of the determinants, credit usage was the most influential factor followed by expenditure on fashion goods and the length of exposure to TV home shopping shows.



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