다중 펄스 방식에 의한 고성능 오존발생 제어장치 개발

Development of High Performance Ozone Generating Controller

  • 이홍희 (울산대 전기전자정보시스템공학부) ;
  • 김형준 (울산대 공대 제어계측학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.05.01


When an excessive voltage is applied to the discharge gap in ozone generator, the discharge room temperature becomes higher. As is well own, the efficiency of the ozone generation is deteriorated by the excessively hot temperature because of the decomposition reaction. In this paper, the simple small capacity ozone generating controller has been introduced, which provides effective and stable silent discharge characteristics over wide range input power. The proposed power controller has two important advantages, which imply that the production rate of ozone can be controlled linearly according to the delivered power and the surplus energy is recovered to the source. The experimental results are given to verify the performance of the pre proposed controller.



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