A Study on the Technology Diagnosing Particles with Two Acoustic Emission Sensors Which have the Different Characteristics of Frequency in GIS

주파수특성이 다른 2개의 초음파 친서에 의한 GIS 이물진단 기술 연구

  • 김광화 (한국전기연구원 산업전기연구단) ;
  • 최재구 (한국전기연구원 시험평가부) ;
  • 선종호 (한국전기연구원 산업전기연구단) ;
  • 김익수 (한국전기연구원 시험평가부) ;
  • 윤진열 (한국전력연구원 송변전그룹)
  • Published : 2003.05.01


This paper described about the acoustic wave measurement method to diagnose GIS for particles. We measured and analyzed the signals of acoustic waves with two type acoustic sensors having 125kHz and 50kHz resonant frequency respectively when the particles were bounced on the inside surfaces of GIS tanks by the electrostatic force. To use two sensors for the diagnosis of GIS, we set up the calibration method for this measurement method. We showed the output characteristics of two sensors according to the sizes and materials of particles in the experiment. As the results, the inception voltages bouncing particles depended on the materials and the extinction voltages bouncing them depended on the sizes and materials. We found out that the relationship between sizes of particles and output voltages of sensors didn't have linearity but the ratios of between peak values of two sensors depended on the materials of GIS enclosures and the sizes of particles.



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