한국 담수산 딱정장수노벌레과 갈고리노벌레류의 분류 - 1. 딱정장수노벌레( Canthocamptus)속

Taxonomy on Freshwater Canthocamptid Harpacticoids (Copepoda) from South Korea - 1. Genus Canthocamptus

  • Cheon Young Chang (Department of Biology, College of Natural Sciences, Daegu University) ;
  • Ji Min Lee (Department of Biology, College of Natural Sciences, Daegu University)
  • 발행 : 2003.04.01


한국 담수산 딱정장수노벌레과 (fanthocarnptidae)의 요각류에 대한 분류학적 연구의 일환으로, 딱정장수노벌레속의 2한국미기록종 (C. kitaurensis Kikuchi, C. macrosetifer Ishida)을 보고한다. mirabilis 종군에 속하는 한국산 5종의 추가 관찰재료 목록을 덧붙였다. 현재까지 한국에서 기록된 딱정장수노벌레속의 종 검색표를 작성하였다.

A taxonomic study on the freshwater harpacticoids of the genus Canthocamptus has been accomplished as one of the serial researches on the family Canthocarnptidae in South Korea. As a result of it, a total of seven species of the genus are listed, two of which are new to Korean fauna: C. kitaurensis Kikuchi and C. macrosetifer Ishida. Additional materials of five species belonging to Canthocamptus mirabilis species group are recorded. A key to the seven species of the genus Canthocamptus known from Korea is prepared.



  1. Korean J. Biol. Sci. v.2 no.3 Redescription of Canthocamptus morimotoi Miura, a stygobiontic harpacticoid species from Korea, with a brief review on C. mirabilis group Chang,C.Y.
  2. Kor. J. Syst. Zool. v.17 no.1 Redescription of canthocamptus mirabilis Steba(Copepod: Harpacticoida), based on the topotypic material from China Chang,C.Y.
  3. Kor. J. Syst. Zool. v.18 no.2 Taxonomy on Canthocamptus semicirculus and C. coreensis n. sp. (Harpacticoida, Canthocamptidae), with a key to the C. mirabilis species group from South Korea Chang,C.Y.
  4. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. v.114 no.3 Two new species of the Canthocamptus mirabilis group(Copepoda: Harpacticoida Canthocamptidae) from South Korea Chang,C.Y.;T.Ishida
  5. Kor. J. Lim. v.16 no.1 The ecological studies on the copepods in the Lake Jangseong Chung,J.E.;H.B.Yoo
  6. Species Diversity v.2 Camthocamptus iaponicus (Crustacea: Copepoda: Harpacticoida) and three new species of the genus from Japan Ishida,T.;Y.Kikuchi
  7. Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan v.55 Illustrated fauna of the freshwater harpacticoid copepods of Japan Ishida,T;Y.Kikuchi
  8. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus.Tokyo v.12 Results of the speleological survery in South Korea 1966 XiV. Subterranean harpacticoid copepods of South Korea Miura,Y.
  9. Acta zool. sin. v.19 The freshwater copepods from three provinces on northestern China Shen,C.J;T.H.Sung
  10. Benthos Research v.44 Double-sided microscopic observation of meiofauna using an HS-slide Shirayama,Y.;T.Kaku;R.P.Higgins
  11. Korean J. Limnol. v.22 no.2 Systematic Studies on the Freshwater Copepoda(Crustacea) in Lake Yongsan, Korea Yoo,K.I.;B.J.Lim