Minimal process에 의한 식물 비열(非熱) 가공 공정

Non-thermal Processing of Plant Foods as a Minima Process

  • 배은경 (연세대학교 생명공학과) ;
  • 박지용 (연세대학교 생명공학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.04.01




  1. Food Technol v.46 Developments of nonthermal processes for food preservation Mertens B;Knorr D
  2. Trends in Food Sc Technol v.7 New approaches in improving the shelf life of minimally processed fruit and vegetables Ahvenainen R
  3. Food Technol v.51 Minimally processed fruits and vegetables:Reducing microbial load by nonthermal physical treatment Hoover DG
  4. International Patent WO 88/03369 Methods and apparatus for preservation of food stuffs Dunn JE;Clark JF;Asmus JS;Pearlman KB;Painchaud F
  5. J Food Sci v.56 Inactivation of pectinesterase in orange juice by supercritical dioxide Balaban MO;Arreola AG;Marshall M;Peplow A;Wei CI;Cornell J
  6. J Biol Chem v.19 The coagulation of egg albumin by pressure Bridgman PW
  7. US Patent 5,048,404 High pulsed voltage systems for extending the shelf life of pumpable food products Bushnell AH;Dunn JE;Clark RW
  8. J Food Process Preserv v.17 Microbia; inactivation of foods by pulsed electric fields Castro AJ;Barbosa-Canovas GV;Swanson BG
  9. 모스크바 농업생산 食品의 전기물리적 가공 Rogob EA
  10. Food Technol v.49 Food pasteurization using high-intensity pulsed electric fields Qin BL;Pothakamury UR;Vega H;Matin O;Barbosa-Canovas GV;Swanson BG
  11. Conf. Tec. of IEEE Industrial Applications Society Annual Meeting Inactivation of microorganisms by pulsed high voltage applications Matsumoto Y;Satake T;Shioji N;Sakuma A
  12. Biophys J v.14 Dielectric breakdown of cell membranes Zimmermann U;Pilwat G;Riemann F
  13. Biotech Bioeng v.40 Kinetics of sterilization of Lactobacillus brevis by the application of high voltage pulses Jayaram S;Castle GSP;Margaritis A
  14. Appl Microbiol Biotech v.40 The effects of high field DC pulse and liquid medium conductivity on survivability of Lactobacillus brevis Jayaram S;Castle GSP;Margaritis A
  15. J Food Process Eng v.17 Inactivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by square wave and exponential decay pulsed electric fields Zhang Q;Monsalve-Gonzalez A;Barbosa-Canovas GV;Swanson BG
  16. J Food Res Intl. Inactivation of E. coli and S. aureus by pulsed electric field technology Pothakamury UR:Monsalve-Gonzalez A;Barbosa-Canovas GV;Swanson BG
  17. J Food Pross Preserv v.19 Inactivation of E. coli for food pasteurization by high-intensity-short-duration pulsed electric fields Zhang Q;Qin B -L;Barbosa-Canovas GV;Swanson BG
  18. Transaction of ASAE v.37 Inactivation of E. coli and S. cerevisiae by pulsed electric fields under controlled temperature conditions Zhang Q;Monsalve-Gonzalez A;Barbosa-Canovas GV;Swanson BG
  19. IFT annual meeting Book of Abstracts Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis spores using high voltage pulsed electric fields Zhang Q;Y Su; Yin Y
  20. Trends in Food Sci Tech v.5 Food application of high electric field pulses Knorr D;Geulen M;Grahl T;Sitzmann W
  21. US patent 4,254,079 Deactivation of microorganisms by an oscillating magnetic field Hofmann GA
  22. Food Technol v.47 Magnetic-field inactivation of microorganisms and generation of biological changes Pothakamury UR;Barbosa-Canovas GV;Swanson BG
  23. Food Technol v.49 Pulsed-light treatment of food and packaging Dunn J;Ott T;Chark W
  24. J Photochem Photobiol v.148 The photocatalystic removal of bacterial pollutants from drinking water Dunlop PSM;Byrne JA;Manga N;Eggins BT
  25. J Photochem Photobiol v.130 Bacteridal mode of titanum dioxide photocatalysis Huang Z;Maness P;Blake DM;Wolfrum EJ;Smolinski S;Jacoby WA
  26. Biochemical Engineering J v.3685 Photocatalytic deactivation of airborne microbial cells on TiO₂-loaded plate Sato T;Koizumi Y;Yaya M
  27. J Menbrane Science v.211 Design of TiO₂ nanoparticle self-assembled aromatic polyamide thin-film-composite (TFC) membrane as an approach tosolve biofouling problem Kim SH;Kwak SY;Sohn BH;Park TH
  28. Int J Food Microbiol v.35 The effect of electron beam irradiation, combined with acetic acid, on the survival and recovery of Escherichia coli and Lactobacillus curvatus Fielding LM;Cook PE;Grandison AS
  29. Lebensm-Wiss u-Technol v.32 Comparison of the effect of X-ray and electron beam irradiation on the microbiological quality of food-suffs Calenberg SV;Cleemput OV;Mondelaers W;Huyghebaert A
  30. Surface Technology v.163-164 Surface treatment by high current pulsed electron beam Dong C;Wu S;Hao S;Zou J;Liu Z;Zhang A;Zhong P;Xu T;Chen J;Xu J;Liu Q;Zhou Z
  31. Food Technol v.48 Evaluating milk coagulation with ultrasonics Gunasekaran S;Ay C
  32. Food Technol v.48 Decontamination of poultry skin by sonication Lillard HS
  33. Food Microbiol v.6 Thermal ultrasonic and ultraviolet inactivation of Salmonella in thin films of aqueous media and cholate Lee BH;Kermasha S;Baker BE
  34. J Food Sci v.52 Introduction of high pressure to food processing:Preferential proteolysis of β-lactoglobulin in milk whey Hayashi R;Kawamura Y;Kunugi S
  35. Bull v.58 The effects of pressure in the preservation of milk Hite BH
  36. Nippon Nogeikagaku Kaishi v.65 Jam preparation by pressurization Horie Y;Kimura K;Ida M;Yosida Y;Ohki K
  37. Food Technol v.47 Engineering aspects of high-pressure technology in the food industry Mertens B;Deplace G
  38. Tibtech v.12 Exploiting the effects of high hydrostatic pressure in biotechnological applications Vadim V;Mozhaev Heremans K;Frank J;Masson P;Balny C
  39. Food Technol v.43 Biological effects of high hydrostatic pressure on food microorganisms Hoover DG;Metrick C;Papneau AM;Farkas DF;Knorr D
  40. High Pressure and Biotechnology Inactivation of microorganisms by hydrostatic pressure Ludwig H;Bieler C;Hallbauer K;Scigalla W;Balny C(ed.);Hayashi R(ed.);Heremans K(ed.);Masson P(ed.)
  41. Adv Microbiol Physiol v.11 High pressure microbial physiology Marquis RE
  42. Biotechnol Bioeng v.7 Resistance of microorganisms to hydrostatic pressure Timson WJ;Short AJ
  43. High Pressure Science for Food Pressure-application to thawing of frozen foods and to food preservation under sub-zero temperature Deuchi T;Hayashi R;Hyashi R(ed.)
  44. Adv in Protein Chem v.34 The Theory of pressure effects on enzymes Morild E
  45. Ann Rev Biophys Bioeng v.11 High pressure effects on proteins and other biomolecules Heremans K
  46. J Gen Microbiol v.60 Inactivation of bacterial spores by hydrostatic pressure Sale, AJH;Gould GW;Hamilion WA
  47. High Pressure and Biotechnol The commercial application of high pressure technology in the food processing industry Deplace G;Mertens B;Balny C(ed.);Hayashi R(ed.);Heremans K(ed.);Masson P(ed.)
  48. Food Technol v.47 Isostatic high-pressure equipment for food preservation Zimmerman F;Bergman C
  49. Eng and Food v.2 Application of high pressure to food processing and preservation: Philosophy and development Hayashi R
  50. J Food Sci v.59 Oscillatory compared with continuous high pressure sterilization on Bacillus stearothermophilus spores Hayakawa I;Kanno T;Yoshiyama K;Fujio Y
  51. Kor J Food Sci Tehcnol v.27 Inactivation of microorganisms and browning enzymes in Angelica Keiskei juice using high hydrostatic pressure Lee D-U;Park J;Lee Y;Yeo I-H
  52. Agric Biol Chem v.55 High pressure effect on Maillard reaction Tamaoka T;Iton N;Hayashi R
  53. Trends Food Sci Technol v.1 High pressure technology in food industry Farr D
  54. Agric Biol Chem v.55 Activation of polyphenol-oxidase in pear fruits by high pressure treatment Hayashi R;Asaka M
  55. Agric Biol Chem v.54 Pressure inactivation of yeasts, molds and pectines-terase in satsuma mamdarin juice:Effects of juice concentration, pH and organic acids and comparison with heat sanitation Ogawa H;Fukuhisa K;Kubo Y;Fukumoto H
  56. Int J Food Sci Technol v.25 Partial characteriaztion of the in situ activity of pectinesterase in bramley apple King K
  57. J Food Sci v.53 Low pH inactivation of pectinesterase in single strength orange juice Owusu-Yaw J;Marshall MR;Koburger JA;Wei CI
  58. High Pressure Science for Food Extraction of pectin by high pressure treatment Kuribayashi T;Hayashi R;Hyashi R(ed.)
  59. Kor J Food Sci Technol v.28 Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on the shelf-life and sensory characteristics of Angelica Keiskei juice Lee D-U;Park J;Kang J;Yeo I-H
  60. High Pressure and Biotechnology Effect of hydrostatic pressure on sterilization and preservation of citrus juice Ogawa H;Fukuhisa K;Fukumato H;Balny C(ed.);Hayashi R(ed.);Heremans K(ed.);Masson P(ed.)
  61. J Food Sci v.53 Heat inactivation of pectinesterase in orange juice pulp Wicker RL;Temelli F
  62. J Food Sci v.58 Potato cubes response to water blanching and high hydrostatic pressure Eshitiaghi MN;Knorr D
  63. High Pressure and Biotechnology Utilization of pressure in addition to temperature in food science and technology Hayashi R;Balny C(ed.);Hayashi R(ed.);Heremans K(ed.);Masson P(ed.)
  64. Pressure Processed Food-Research and Development Effect of hydrostatic pressurization on the palatability of foods Shimada A;Kasai M;Yamamoto A;Hatae K;Hayashi R(ed.)
  65. Agric Biol Chem v.55 Improving the cooking properties of aged rice grains by pressurization and enzymatic treatment Watanabe M;Arai E;Honmo K;Fuke S
  66. Int J Food Microbiol v.58 Hazard identification and exposure assessment for microbial food safety risk assessment Lammerding AM;Fazil A
  67. Quantitative microbial risk assessment Haas CN;Rose JB;Gerba CP
  68. Int J Food Microbiol v.58 Microbial risk assessment: dose-response relations and risk characterization Buchanan RL;Smith JL;Long W
  69. Water Res v.31 Kinetics of Escherichia coli inactivation with ozone water Hunt NK;Marinas BJ
  70. Ozone Sci Eng v.21 Ozone in the United States of America of the art Rice RG