세라(Shera)의 도서관 인식론 연구

A Study on the Shera′s sociological aspect of librarianship.

  • 남태우 (중앙대학교 문헌정보학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


본 연구는 Jesse 또. Shera(1903-1982)가 도서관 및 도서관학과 인연을 맺게 된 동인을 연구하였다. 특히 그가 도서관 자체를 대상물(기관)로 인식하지 않고 개념으로 보고 사회인식론을 도입하여 연구한 것은 방법론뿐만 아니라 학문성을 과학으로 증명하는데 중대한 전기를 마련해 주었다. 도서관은 '인간의 기록지식을 사회적 기억으로서 체계 있게 조직하여 제공하는 사회기관이다'. 즉 도서관을 사회제도가 아닌 사회기관으로 인식하였다. 따라서 본고에서는 Shera가 도서관 및 도서관학을 사회 인식론적 관점에서 접근한 내용을 중심으로 연구하였다.

The purpose of this study is on the Shera's sociological aspect of librarianship. Jesse H. Shera, educator, philosopher, and theoretician, considered that perhaps his most significant contribution to librarianship was not a “thing” but a “concept”. Library was created to meet certain social necessities, and that its development is closely related not only to intellectual history but also to change in the organizational structure and the value system of its supporting culture. It is axiomatic, then, that the library as a social instrumentality. is, as it has always been, conditioned and shaped by the social milieu within which it function. Therefore we are concerned with the need for a new epistemological discipline, a body of new about knowledge itself.



  1. 도서관학의 사회학적 기반 셰라,제이.에이치.;윤영 (옮김)
  2. Herald of Library Science v.21 DR JESSE SHERA-SCHOLAR Alvun J. Goldwyn
  3. Image;Knowledge in Life and Society Boulding,K.E.
  4. Embers of the World conversations with Scott Buchanan Buchanan, Scott;Harris Walford(ed)
  5. An Introduction to Library Science Butler, Pierce
  6. The cultural function of the library Butler, P.
  7. Social Process Cooley, Charles H.
  8. Rules for a Dictionary Catalog Cutter,C.A.
  9. Introduction to Librarianship(2nd ed.) Gates, Jean K.
  10. Herald of Library Science v.12 no.1-2 Dr.Jess Shera-Scholar Golgwyn, Alvin J.
  11. Symposium on the foundation of Access to Knowledge Critique and Response to Paper by Jess H. Shera. An Epistemological Foundation for Library Science Helprin, Laurence B.
  12. ALA Encyclopedia of Library and Information Scienc(2nd ed.) Shera,Jess Hauk Kaltenbach,M.
  13. The American Scholar v.41 no.Summer The Premise of Meaning MacLeish, Archilbald.
  14. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science v.38 no.Supplement 3 Shera, Jess Hauk Rawaki, Conard H.
  15. Rawaki, Conard H. 1985. Shera. Jess Hauk. In Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, Vol. 38, Supplement 3. pp. 348-371.
  16. Bibliograpic Organization: papers Presented before the Annual conference of the Graduate Library School July 24-29, 1950 Shera, J. Hauk;Margaret E. Egan
  17. Documentation and the Organization of Knowledge Shera, J. Hauk
  18. Documentation and the Organization of Knowledge Shera, J. Hauk
  19. Sarada Ranganathan Lectures No. 3; Persian trans in Journal of the Iranian library Association;Urdu transt(Spring) v.10 no.1 The Sociological foundations of Librarianship Shera, J. Hauk.;Victor A. Polushkin(Russian transl.)
  20. Shera. J. Hauk. 1970. The Sociological Foundations of Librarianship, Asia Publishing House. Bombay, India. and New York. Sarada Ranganathan Lectures, No. 3. 1967. Russian transl. by Victor A. Polushkin. Moscow, 1973: Persian transl. in Journal of the Iranian Library Association. Vol.10. No. 1. Spring 1977. pp.1-21: Urdu transt.. Lahore. 1980.
  21. Readings in American Library History, NCR Microcard Editions Foundations of the Public Library: The Origins of the Public Library Movement in New England 1629-1955 Shera, J. Hauk;M. H. Harris(reprinted)
  22. The Foundation Education for Librarianship Shera, J. Hauk.
  23. Introduction to Library Science: Basic Elements of Library Service Shera, J. Hauk
  24. The Study of Information: Interdisciplinary Messages Librarianship and Information Science Shera, J. Hauk;Fritz Machlup(ed);Una Mansfield(ed)
  25. Library Quarterly v.7 no.4 Sumner, William Grahan
  26. Training for Library Service: A Report prepared for The Carnegie Cooperation of New York Williamoson, Charles C
  27. 圖書情報工作(LIS) v.4 西方圖書館學流派論評 藿國慶;孟廣均;徐因?

피인용 문헌

  1. A Study on Analyzing and Prospecting for the Future of the Public Libraries' Cultural Programs in Seoul vol.25, pp.1, 2014,