하천의 경관 유지 수량의 결정

Determination of the Minimum Instream Flows for the Landscape of Riverside

  • 발행 : 2003.02.01


The physical components of a river, such as water surface width/river width ratio, water level, and flow velocity vary according to different flowrates. Moreover, the riverside landscapes are greatly affected by the change of physical components of the stream or river. This paper provides an analysis of the influence of changing physical components of a river on the riverside landscape using a survey-based quantification method. The questionnaire was developed based on current literature, and was submitted to 326 people who each visited a representative station along the riverside.This survey was implemented three times at each representative station during periods of different flowrates. The results of this analysis and survey have Produced an understanding of the relationship between the variation of physical components and riverside landscapes. Survey results about the flow comparison are summarized as follows. Viewing riverside landscapes, most respondents are sensitive to the change of the flow velocity and prefer high water levels to low water levels. As a whole, respondents prefer abundant stream flows and moderate flow velocity in which they can perceive the flow of water. The minimum instream flows for riverside landscapes is estimated at each representative station by using a survey-based quantification method, and the estimated results of some representative stations were greater than the mean monthly flow at each station. The result of this analysis shows that establishing minimum instream flows for riverside landscapes is not only a technical problem, but also a legal problem. Therefore, in the to establish the instream flows in a river, the estimated results have to be considered as a relative standard. Regarding the survey results, respondents' satisfaction level didn't show any clear inclination according to the variation of various hydraulic properties. In determining the minimum instream flow using such an inquiry method, the structure of riverside scenery may vary according to the change of seasons or months. Therefore, to determine a consistent general inclination about the flow rate, it is necessary to have more detailed flow rates for each season or month combined with more inquiries.



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