A Study on Shopping Orientation and Store Selection Criteria of Credit Card Apparel Shoppers

신용카드 사용 의류구매자의 쇼핑성향과 점포선택기준

  • Published : 2003.03.01


The purpose of this was to identify the shopping orientation and store selection criteria of credit card apparel shoppers. The subjects were credit card holding women who had experienced credit card apparel shopping at least one time during last 6 months. The results were as follows : 1. Women of 20's were segmented into multi-cards holding light users, multi-cards holding heavy users, and mono-card holding light users according their credit card numbers and the monthly credit card apparel expenditure. 2. The factors of apparel shopping orientation were pleasure, economy, brand loyalty. self-confidence. shopping plan, and fashion. And the factors of store selection criteria were additive service, store atmosphere, Product assortment, sales promotion. and product diversity. 3. Multi-card holding light users showed higher tendency in self-confidence and economy of shopping orientation, and considered additive service more. Multi-card holding heavy users showed higher tendency in pleasure. brand loyalty, self-confidence, shopping plan, and fashion of shopping orientation, and considered sales promotion and product diversity. Mono-card holding light users showed lower tendency in pleasure. brand loyalty, self-confidency, shopping plan, and fashion, and considered additive service, store atmosphere. product assortment, sales promotion, and product diversity less.



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