Gradually engineering designers are determined based on computer simulations. Modeling of the computer simulation however is too expensive and time consuming in a complicate system. Thus, designers often use approximation models called metamodels, which represent approximately the relations between design and response variables. There arc general metamodels such as response surface model and kriging metamodel. Response surface model is easy to obtain and provides explicit function. but it is not suitable for highly nonlinear and large scaled problems. For complicate case, we may use kriging model that employs an interpolation scheme developed in the fields of spatial statistics and geostatistics. This class of into interpolating model has flexibility to model response data with multiple local extreme. In this study. metamodeling techniques are adopted to carry out the shape optimization of a funnel of Cathode Ray Tube. which finds the shape minimizing the local maximum principal stress Optimum designs using two metamodels are compared and proper metamodel is recommended based on this research.