- 자원환경지질 v.33 덕음광산 선광광미와 주변토양의 중금속에 대한 수평 · 수직적인 분산에 관한 연구 박영석;김진
- 한국자원공학회지 v.36 구봉 금은광산 주변지역의 비소 및 중금속에 의한 환경오염과 벼작물의 흡수특성 안주성;전효택;손아정;김경웅
- 자원환경지질 v.33 원소의 지구화학적 거동에 미치는 박테리아의 영향: 지구미생물학의 최근 연구 동향 이종운;전효택
- 자원환경지질 v.33 다덕광산 주변지역에서의 독성원소들의 환경오염 및 인체흡수도 이진수;Klinck, B.A.;Moore, Y;전효택
- 자원환경지질 v.34 토현광산 수계에 분포하는 토양과 퇴적물의 지구화학적 특성, 이차적 오염 및 중금속의 거동 이찬희;이현구;윤경무
- Environ. Sci Technol. v.36 Surface complexation if ferrous iron and carbonate on ferrihydrite and the mobilization of arsenic Appelo, C.A.J.;Van Der Weiden, M.J.J.;Tournassat, C.;Charlet, L.
- Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta v.60 Schwertmannite and the chemical modeling of iron in acid sulfate waters Bigham, J.M.;Schwertman, U.;Traina, S.J.;Winland, R.L.;Wolf, M.
- Environ. Sci. Technol. v.36 Scavenging of As from acid mine drainage by schwertmannite and ferrihyrite: a comparison with synthetic analogues Carlson, L.;Bigham, J.M.;Schwertmann, U.;Kyek, A.;Wagner, F
- Environ. Sci. Technol. v.36 Reactivity of oxidized sulfidic mine tailings during lime treatment Catalan, L.J.;Buset, K.C.;Yin, G.
- Environ. Sci. Technol. v.33 Arsenic mobilization by the dissimilatory Fe(Ⅲ)-reducing bacterium Shewanella alga BrY Cummings, D.E.;Caccavo,F.Jr.;Fendorf, S.;Rosenzweig, R.F.
- Environ. Sci. Technol. v.33 Assessing the efficacy of lime amendment to geochemically stabilize mine tailings Davis, A.;Early, L.E.;Helgen, S.
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- Reviews in mineralogy and geochemistry v.40 Metal-sulfate salts from sulfide mineral oxidation Jambor, J.L.;Nordstrom, D.K.;Alpers, C.N.
- J. Environ. Qual. v.26 Arsenic transport in contaminsted mine tailings following liming Jones, C.A.;Inskeep, W.P.;Neuman, D.R.
- Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J. v.64 Rates of microbiall mediated arsenate reduction and silubilization Jones, C.A.;Langner, H.W.;Anderson, K.;Mcdermolt, T.R.;Inskeep, W.P.
- Geosystem Engineering v.4 Environmental contamination and sequential extraction of trace elements from mine wastes around various metalliferous mines in Korea Jung, M.C.;Ahn, J.S.;Chon, H.T.
- Environ. Sci. Technol. v.35 Validation of an arsenic sequential extraction method for evaluating mobility in sediments Keon, N.E.;Swartz, C.H.;Brabander, D.J.;Harvey, C.;Hemond, H.F.
- Environ. Geochem. Health v.24 Assessment of As and heavy metal contamination in the vicinity of Duckum Au-Ag mine, Korea Kim, J.Y.;Kim, K.W.;Lee,J.U.;Lee, J.S.;Cook, J.
- Environ. Sci. Technol. v.34 Carbonate ion and arsenic dissolution by groundwater Kim, M.J.;Nriagu, J.;Haack, S.
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- Methods of soil analysis. Part 3 Chemical methods Iron Loeppert, R.H.;Inskeep, W.P.
- Environ. Sci. Technol. v.35 Microbial populations associated with the reduction and enhanced mobilization of arsenic in mine tailings Macur, R.E.;Wheeler, J.T.;Mcdermott, T.R.;Inskeep, W.P.
- Environ. Sci. Technol. v.25 Effect of redox potential and pH on arsenic speciation and solubility in a contaminated soil Masscheleyn, P.H.;Delaune, R.D.;Patrick, W.H.Jr.
- Environ. Sci. Technol. v.34 Influence of reduction reactions and solid-phase composition on porewater concentrations of arsenic McCreadie, H.;Blowes, D.W.;Ptacek, C.J.;Jambor, J.L.
- Hydrometallurgy v.41 Removal and fixation of arsenic in the form of ferric arsenates; three parallel experimental studies Papassiopi, N.;Vircikova, E.;Nenov, V.;Kontopoulos, A.;Molnar, L.
- Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta v.59 Oxidation of arsenopyrite by air and air-saturated, distilled water, and implications for mechanism of oxidation Nesbitt, H.W.;Muir, I.J.;Pratt, A.R.
- Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta v.66 Stability and solubility of arsenopyrite, FeAsS, in crustal fluids Pokrovski, G.S.;Kara, S.;Roux, J.
- Environ. Sci. Technol. v.32 Arsenite and arsenate adsorption on ferrihydrite: kinetics, equilibrium, and adsorption envelopes Raven, K.P.;Jain, A.;Loeppert, R.H.
- Soil. Sci. Soc. Am.J. v.62 Stability of arsenate minerals in soil under biotically generated reducing conditions Rochette, E.A.;Ki, G.C.;Fendorf, S.E.
- Sci. Tot. Env. v.263 Minerals controlling arsenic and lead solubility in an abandoned gold mine tailings Roussel, C.;Neel, X.;Bril, H.
- Appl. Geochem. v.17 A review of the source, behaviour and distribution of arsenic in natural waters Smedley, P.L.;Kinniburgh, D.G.
- Aquatic chemiatry(3rd ed.) Stumm, W.;Morgan, J.J.
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- Heavy metal in soils(2nd ed.) Methods of analysis for heavy metals in soils Ure, A.M;Alloway, B.J(ed.)
- Federal Register v.66 National primary drinking water regulations: Arsenic and clarifications to compliance and new source contaminants monitoring USEPA
- J. Environ. Monit. v.3 Speciation of arsenic using solid phase extraction cartidges Yalcin, S;Le, C.