2극 수직자계를 이용한 Magnetic Tomograpy의 설계와 제작

Design and Development of the Magnetic Tomography System Using Two Poles Perpendicular Magnetic Field

  • 박은식 (한국해양대학 전기전자학과) ;
  • 박관수 (한국해양대학 전기전자학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.02.01


This paper describes a development of magnetic tomography system using two poles perpendicular magnetic field. In the system, the relative permeabilities of the object are detected by Hall sensors located along with tube circumference. The signals according to the size and position of the object could be separated in case the relative permeability of the object are over 10. Moreover, the size and location of the object could be determined in real time.



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