Improving dietary patterns, na, in turn, improving nutritional status, is now viewed as a key to improve public health and to prevent chronic diseases. There has been a peat needs to assess diet quality to identify nutritional risk group, however, little research has been done on methods to assess overall diet quality. The purpose of this study was to develope a mini dietary assessment (MDA) index for evaluation of overall dietary quality. A 10-component system was devised based on dietary guidelines and food Tower for Koreans. The system contained 4 food elements of which use is encouraged, such as milk, meat, vegetables, fruits, and 3 food elements of which use is limited, such as fat, salt, or sugar. Also the included were elements on dietary regulation and variety. A subject is to check one of ‘always' 'generally'seldom', which has score of 5, 3, and 1, respectively, so the total possible index score is 50. This index is to use without dietary survey and is to use even by non-nutritionist. A sample of 432 healthy males and females in their 30's and 40's contributed diet intake data based on 24-hour recall for the validation of MDA. The mean MDA score was 31.34 of a possible 50 points. The main nutrients for each MDA component was correlated very well with the results of 24-hour recall. Also, very good correlation was found between healthy eating index (HEI) score and MDA score. However, some of MDA components were needed a modification of term or/and statement. So the Uh was revised and another effort for validation was made with new sample of 169 subjects and even better correlation was found. The revised MDA could be used with minor modification to assess diet quality and to screen nutritional status. (Korean J Nutrition 36(1): 83-92, 2003)