멀티미디어를 활용한 의류학관련 교과목 콘텐츠의 개발 -의류소재 이해 및 분석-

Development of the Multimedia Contents for the Clothing & Textiles -Understanding h Analysis of Textile Materials-

  • 발행 : 2003.01.01


The purpose of this research is to develop the multimedia contents for the subject . is the subject to understand and analyze the characteristics of the textile materials and to be putting the key point to utilize the textile materials as the fashion materials. 1 developed the contents using multimedia system standing on the basis of Internet. The developed contents were organized to induce the interest. The sounds, pictures. computer graphics, animations, text, AOD and AOD etc. were utilized in these contents. These contents were consisted of preview, restudy, and the feedback through question. These contents can be executed directly in Web browser through Internet. Address is http://web.cnu.ac.kr/-fabric. Ⅰ applied this multimedia contents to actual class. It was utilized much more than textbook and it was turned out to be efficient in the experiment class. It was inspected that the most of students were satisfied with the utilizing these multimedia contents.



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