중학생의 가정과교사 특성지각과 가정과 수업을 통한 인성적 도덕성

Home Economics Teacher Characteristics and Affective Morality through Home Economics Instruction recognized by Middle School Students

  • 김성교 (한국교원대학교 가정교육과) ;
  • 채정현 (한국교원대학교 가정교육과)
  • Kim Sung-Gyo (Dept. of Home Economics Education in Korea National University of Education) ;
  • Chae Jung-Hyun (Dept. of Home Economics Education in Korea National University of Education)
  • 발행 : 2003.10.01


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between home economics teachers' characteristics and middle school students' affective morality through Home Economics Instruction. The affective morality of middle school students after taking home economics classes were assessed and investigated as to what sorts of affective morality there were and to find out what level they were. further, what factors affected the affective morality of middle school students considering the variable factors of home economics teachers. 800 first year male and female students of 17 middle schools located in Cheonju and Cheongwon were selected through non-random or accessible sampling. The frequency, precent, mean and standard deviation, correlation, t-test, and one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression of these data were obtained by using the SPSS 10.0 for Windows Program. The result of this study were as follows: First, basic etiquette was the most important rated the highest among the affective morality, nature preservation turned out the lowest in each questionnaire. Learned in home economics, it was considered the highest goal; Second, in terms of character and affective morality of middle school students, male students ranked higher than female students and the students with a better academic performance record, and those who engaged in club activities showed better results in affective morality as did students with religious beliefs and students with better educated parents and also students from homes with better financial situations. Third, in terms of students' perception of home economics teachers with a good nature turned out the highest, teaching ability and career awareness and also reflected at the same level. Fourth, students' perception of home economics teachers' characteristics and their affective morality are honed out correlated with each other. The correlation of home economics teachers' career awareness and compassion${\cdot}$devotion${\cdot}$service morality proved to be the highest. Fifth, the affective morality of those students who do community service, club activities and those who are interested in home economics and who respect home economics teachers tended to be high.



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