Rumen Manipulation to Improve Animal Productivity

  • Santra, A. (Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute) ;
  • Karim, S.A. (Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2003.05.01


Anaerobic rumen microorganisms mainly bacteria, protozoa and fungi degrade ligno-cellulosic feeds consumed by the ruminants. The ruminants in developing countries are predominantly maintained on low grade roughage and grazing on degraded range land resulting in their poor nutrient utilization and productivity. Hence, manipulation of rumen fermentation was tried during last two decades to optimize ruminal fermentation for improving nutrient utilization and productivity of the animals. Modification of rumen microbial composition and their activity was attempted by using chemical additives those selectively effect rumen microbes, introduction of naturally occurring or genetically modified foreign microbes into the rumen and genetically manipulation of existing microbes in the rumen ecosystem. Accordingly, rumen protozoa were eliminated by defaunation for reducing ruminal methane production and increasing protein outflow in the intestine, resulting in improve growth and feed conversion efficiency of the animals. Further, Interspecies trans-inoculation of rumen microbes was also successfully used for annulment of dietary toxic factor. Additionally, probiotics of bacterial and yeast origin have been used in animal feeding to stabilize rumen fermentation, reduced incidence of diarrhoea and thus improving growth and feed conversion efficiency of young stalk. It is envisaged that genetic manipulation of rumen microorganisms has enormous research potential in developing countries. In view of feed resource availability more emphasis has to be given for manipulating rumen fermentation to increase cellulolytic activity for efficient utilization of low grade roughage.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Effect of defaunation on body conformation changes, wool yield and fibre characteristics of growing lambs in a hot semiarid environment vol.47, pp.7, 2007,
  2. Effect of yeast supplementation on the growth performance of Malpura lambs vol.45, pp.2, 2013,
  3. Dietary inclusion effects of phytochemicals as growth promoters in animal production vol.59, pp.1, 2017,
  4. Poultry manure as a protein supplement in indigenous goat production in Zimbabwe vol.9, pp.9, 2018,
  5. 기질의 종류가 Neocallimastix frontalis에 의한 섬유소 분해양상과 섬유소 분해 효소 생산에 미치는 영향 vol.46, pp.5, 2003,
  6. Rumen enzyme profile and fermentation characteristics in sheep as affected by treatment with sodium lauryl sulfate as defaunating agent and presence of ciliate protozoa vol.67, pp.2, 2003,
  7. Effect of α-ketoglutaric acid on in vitro gas production, ruminal fermentation, and bacterial diversity vol.170, pp.3, 2011,
  8. Metatranscriptomic Profiling Reveals the Effect of Breed on Active Rumen Eukaryotic Composition in Beef Cattle With Varied Feed Efficiency vol.11, pp.None, 2003,