다수표적의 시각적 탐색을 위한 탐색능력 모델과 최적 탐색정지 시점

Visual Search Models for Multiple Targets and Optimal Stopping Time

  • 홍승권 (뉴욕주립대학 산업공학과) ;
  • 박세권 (공군사관학교 산업공학과) ;
  • 류승완 (뉴욕주립대학 산업공학과)
  • Hong, Seung-Kweon (Dept. of ndustrial Engineering, State University of New York) ;
  • Park, Seikwon (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Korea Air Force Academy) ;
  • Ryu, Seung Wan (Dept. of ndustrial Engineering, State University of New York)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.30


Visual search in an unstructured search field is a fruitful research area for computational modeling. Search models that describe relationship between search time and probability of target detection have been used for prediction of human search performance and provision of ideal goals for search training. Until recently, however, most of models were focused on detecting a single target in a search field, although, in practice, a search field includes multiple targets and search models for multiple targets may differ from search models for a single target. This study proposed a random search model for multiple targets, generalizing a random search model for a single target which is the most typical search model. To test this model, human search data were collected and compared with the model. This model well predicted human performance in visual search for multiple targets. This paper also proposed how to determine optimal stopping time in multiple-target search.



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