혼합물 생산공정을 위한 성분변수의 진화적 조업법

An Evolutionary Operation with Mixture Variables for Mixture Production Process

  • Kim, Chi-Hwan (Quality Control Team, SK Teletech) ;
  • Byun, Jai-Hyun (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Engineering Research Institute, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.31


A mixture experiment is a special type of response surface experiment in which factors are the ingredients or components of a mixture, and the response is a function of the proportions of each ingredient. Evolutionary operation is useful to improve on-line full-scale manufacturing process by systematically changing the levels of the process variables without jeopardizing the product. This paper presents an evolutionary operation procedure with mixture variables for large-scale mixture production process which can be beneficial to practitioners who should improve on-line mixture quality while maintaining the production amount of the mixture product.



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