중학교 교사의 교직사회화 단계별 교직의식 및 직무만족도 분석

An Analysis of Middle School Teachers' Teaching Profession Consciousness and Job Satisfaction by Level of their Professional Socialization

  • 투고 : 2003.08.30
  • 심사 : 2003.11.09
  • 발행 : 2003.12.31


The purpose of this study is to help improvements of education and effective management of school organization by grasping interrelationship between middle school teachers' job satisfaction and their teaching profession consciousness based on the different levels of professional socialization. To accomplish the purpose stated above, two questions were selected. First, how different are the middle school teachers' teaching profession consciousness according to the different levels of professional socialization? Second, how different are the middle school teachers' job satisfactions according to the levels of professional socialization. To answer these questions, a theoretical investigation into previous studies was made, and survey method was adopted for the inquiry. 500 questionnaires were given to teachers of 14 middle schools in Busan Metropolitan City, 470 questionnaires were collected. The results of the analysis may be summarized as follows: First, the teaching profession consciousness of middle school teachers show high level. Especially, there are much difference of teaching profession consciousness between the period of adaptation and maturity. Second, job satisfaction of middle school teachers show low level, and the job satisfaction points of compensations, school administrations, changes of educational environments are lower than the points of human relations, extension of profession, stress of duties. Especially, there are much difference between the period of adaptation and growth, adaptation and maturity, growth and maturity, growth and mellowness.



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