Affective Design of Warning Sounds used in Windows Operating Systems

윈도우즈 운영체제를 중심으로 한 경고음의 감성공학적 설계

  • Hong, Seung W. (Korea University Department of Industrial Systems and Information Engineering) ;
  • Jung, Eui S. (Korea University Department of Industrial Systems and Information Engineering) ;
  • Park, Sungjoon (NamSeoui University Department of Industrial and Environmental Systems Engineering) ;
  • Choi, Dong S. (Korea University Department of Industrial Systems and Information Engineering)
  • 홍승우 (고려대학교 산업시스템정보공학과) ;
  • 정의승 (고려대학교 산업시스템정보공학과) ;
  • 박성준 (남서울대학교 산업환경시스템공학부) ;
  • 최동식 (고려대학교 산업시스템정보공학과)
  • Published : 2003.12.31


In order to properly design warning sounds that are affectively suitable to computer users, warning sounds used in Windows operating system were analyzed in terms of their sound properties; frequency band, spectral characteristics and physical intensity. A total of 36 warning sounds (3*4*3) were generated and tested with respect to three experimental variables. Among 178 collected affective adjectives that are related to hearing and sounds, seven representative affective adjectives were abstracted by statistical grouping techniques. In the experiment, subjective preference tests were performed for the 36 warning sounds according to the seven affective factors. From the result, the affective factors were again grouped into three major factors and the 60dB boost-type warning sounds at the low frequency band were, in general, the most preferred. followed by the 70dB cut-type sounds at the middle frequency band. These warning sounds have a characteristic of boost power spectrum below 1000Hz frequency band and received good scores on simplicity, clarity and accurateness.



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