반도체 및 LCD 제조 공정의 AGV Controller 개발

Development of an AGV Controller in Semiconductor and LCD Production Systems

  • Suh, Jungdae (Department of lndustrial Engineεring, Kyungwon University) ;
  • Jang, Jaejin (Department of rndustrial and Manufacturing Eng., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) ;
  • Koo, Pyung-Hoi (Department of Industrial Engineering, Pukyong University)
  • 발행 : 2003.03.31


In this paper, LAC(Look-ahead AGV Controller) has been developed for efficient routing of parts in semiconductor and LCD production systems. Several procedures have been developed as sub-modules. LACP(Look-ahead AGV Control Procedure) which controls AGVs using the information on the current and future status of the systems is the main element of the LAC. To support LACP, DSP(Destination Selection Procedure) which determines a destination of a part and AGV call time, SSP(Source Selection Procedure)which selects a part coming next to a buffer when the buffer becomes available. and RTM(Response Time Model) which estimates empty travel time of AGVs and waiting time for an available AGV have been developed. A simulation experiment shows that LAC reduces part's flow time, AGV utilization, average and maximum inventory level of a central buffer, empty travel time of an AGV, and waiting time for an available AGV.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국과학재단 목적기초연구


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