• Published : 20030000


For safety evaluation of a rockfill dam, it is often necessary to investigate spatial distribution and dynamic characterization of weak zones such as fractures. For this purpose, both seismic and electric methods are adopted together in this research. The former employs the multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) method, and aims at the mapping of 2-D shear-wave velocity (Vs) profile along the dam axis that can be associated with dynamic properties of filled materials. The latter is carried out by DC- resistivity survey with a main purpose of mapping of spatial variations of physical properties of dam materials. Results from both methods are compared in their signature of anomalous zones. In addition, downhole seismic survey was carried out at three points within the seismic survey lines and results by downhole seismic survey are compared with the MASW results. We conclude that the MASW is an efficient method for dynamic characterization of dam-filling materials, and also that joint analyses of these two seemingly unrelated methods can lead to an effective safety evaluation of rock-fill dam.
