Knowledge, Attitudes, Experiences in Sex and Needs for Sex Education of Nursing Students and Non-Nursing Students

일 지역 간호여대생과 일반여대생의 성 지식, 태도, 경험 및 교육 요구 비교

  • Published : 2003.12.01


This study was focused on comparing the knowledge, attitudes and experiences in sex and the needs for sex education of nursing students and non-nursing students. The subjects of this study were 403 female students who attended 4 universities in Busan. The data was collected from November 2002 to December, and analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard variance, t-test and Chi-square. The results were as follows: 1. The mean score of sex knowledge of the nursing students was 13.29 and the non-nursing students's was 11.11. There was a difference(p=0.000) between nursing and non-nursing students in sex knowledge. 2. The mean score of sex attitude of nursing and non-nursing students was 25.64, 26.65 respectively. There was no statistical difference. 3. 61.8% of the nursing students and 62.3% of the non-nursing students had experienced a relation with the opposite sex. Kissing experience was 59.9%, 61.8% and masturbation was 9.5%, 9.2% respectively. Sexual intercourse was 5.3%, 11.9% and contraception was 1.9%, 8.2% respectively. Among these experiences, sexual intercourse and contraception experience rate were different(p=0.017, p=0.002 respectively) between nursing and non-nursing students. 4. Of 19 sexual education contents, only 'the dignity of life' showed a difference. That is, more nursing students(92.9%) wanted to know about 'the dignity of life' than non-nursing students(85.7%). Among the respcndent's needs on the sexual education contents, 'Contraception' was rated first and followed by 'Sex psychology of men and women', 'Pregnancy', 'Prevention of sexual crime' and 'Sexually transmitted diseases'. Most of the respcndents(95.8%) wanted sex education introduced in the :first year of university, and presented as a special class. Specifically, 50.0% of the students wanted the education to be more realistic and systemic. With the above results, when university faculties are sexual educating to university students, they have to aware of the difference of target students. And they need to stress more realistic and specific aspect of sexual education learning rather than theoretical teaching.
