The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
- 제15권4호
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- Pages.208-234
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- 2003
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- 1229-0475(pISSN)
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- 2287-156X(eISSN)
신경근 재교육이 뇌졸중 환자의 신체구성, 혈액점도 및 신체운동기능에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Neuromuscular Re-education on Physical Composition, Blood Lipid Levels and Physical Motor Function in Stroke Patients
- Kang Jeong-IL (Dept. of Physical Therapy, WooSeok University GimJe Oriental Hospital) ;
- Beak Heon-Hee (Dept. of Occupational Therapy, KunJang College) ;
Shin Hong-Cheul
(Dept of Physical Therapy, WonKwang Health Science College)
- 발행 : 2003.12.01
This study aims to investigate the effect of Neuromuscular Re-education Program and Traditional Intervention Program and is focusing on the difference between changes of experimental before and after on 30 stroke patient's body composition, blood lipid levels, physical motor function. The obtained results are as follows; 1. Change in body composition 1) The change due to the Neuromuscular Re-education Program and Traditional Intervention Program before and after, the Fat Mass and Soft Lean Mass were changed but not significantly. 2) In the comparison of change according to duration, Significant differences were not shown in Fat Mass and Soft Lean Masss between The experimental group and control group. 2. Change in blood lipid levels 1) The change due to the Neuromuscular Re-education Program and Traditional intervention Program before and after, the Cholesterol, Glucose and TG were changed but not significantly. 2) In the comparison of change according to duration, Significant differences were not shown in the Cholesterol, Glucose and TG between the Experimental group and Control group. 3. Change in physical motor function 1) The change due to Neuromuscular Reeducation Program before and after. The physical motor function was significantly changed(p<0.01; p<0.05). but Traditional Intervention Program was changed but not significantly. 2) In the comparison of change according to duration, Signicant differences between the Experimental group and Control group was significantly changed in only the Neuromuscular Reeducation Program(p<0.05). In conclusion, The Neuromuscular Reeducation Program were not changed significantly but it can be said that the Neuromuscular Reeducation Program was more suitable for intervention to improve physical motor function of stroke patients than Traditional Intervention Program. Therefore if further studies increase the experimental duration of Reeducation Program and make the patient's reeducation continuously for improvement of physical motor function in stroke patient are needed.