이 시험은 전복느타리버섯의 생리적 및 형태적 특성을 구명하므로서 우리나라 환경에 적합한 대량생산 기술을 확립하기위한 기초적인 자료를 얻고자 일련의 시험을 수행하였다. 그 결과, 전복느타리버섯의 갓 모양은 평편형이며 크기는 $7.6{\sim}9.8cm$이며 대의 길이는 $1.4{\sim}2.9cm$인 형태적 특징을 갖고 있다. 적정 배지 선발 시험결과 퇴비추출배지(CSA)에서 균사생장이 가장 높았다. 전복느타리버섯의 균사생장적온을 시험한 결과 모든 균주들이 $25{\sim}30^{\circ}C$에서 가장 잘 자랐으며 균사생장에 알맞은 적정 pH는 $7{\sim}9$였다. 또한, 균사 생장시 적정 질소원으로는 ASI2009는 Ammonium nitrate, ASI2019, 2079, 2170은 Ammonium sulfate 그리고 ASI2049는 L-Asparagine이었으며, 탄소원으로는 ASI2009, 2019, 2049는 glucose, ASI2079는 fructose, ASI2170은 sucrose였으며 전반적으로 모든 균주들이 glucose에서 양호한 균사생장을 보였다. C/N율에 따른 균사생장 정도는 20:1에서 가장 양호하였으며 C/N이 증가할수록 감소하였다.
The pileus of Pleurotus cystidiosus was attached at the side and was spatular-shape. It grew to the size of $7.6{\sim}9.8\;cm$ with dark brown color. The length of stem was $1.4{\sim}2.9\;cm$. The individual weight of fruiting-body was 25.4 g in average. This study was conducted to Investigate the physiological characteristics and to develop the artificial cultivation technique of P. cystidiosus. To find out the optimum condition of mycelial growth of P. cystidiosus, physiological conditions such as media, temperature, pH carbon sources and nitrogen sources were investigated. Various cultural media were used for the cultivation of P. cystidiosus and compost dextrose agar was favorable for mycelial growth. The optimal growing temperature and pH were in range of 25 to $30^{\circ}C$, pH $7{\sim}9$, respectively. When different carbon sources were compared, glucose was found to be best. However nitrogen sources were different with each strains. When different C/N ratio were compared, 20:1 of C/N ratio was found to be best.