대하(帶下)의 침치료(鍼治療)와 구치료(灸治療)에 대한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)

A Philological Study of Acupunture and Moixbustion for leukorrhea

  • 양승정 (동신대학교 한의과대학 부인과학교실) ;
  • 이진아 (동신대학교 한의과대학 부인과학교실) ;
  • 진천식 (동신대학교 한의과대학 부인과학교실) ;
  • 나창수 (동신대학교 한의과대학 경혈학교실)
  • Yang Seung-Jeong (Dept. of Gynecology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongshin University) ;
  • Lee Jin-A (Dept. of Gynecology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongshin University) ;
  • Jin Cheon-Sik (Dept. of Gynecology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongshin University) ;
  • Na Chang-Su (Dept. of Meridian & Acupoint, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongshin University)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.27


Objectives & Methods : This study was designed to investigate acupunture and moibustion for leukorrhea through literature research. We extracted the parts and acupuncture and moxibustion forleukorrhea from ancient and modern oriental medical literature. Results & Conclusions : The acupoint used on acupunture only were 66 acupoints. The acupoints used often were SP6, GB26, LR2, CV6, SP9, BL30, BL32 in order and the meridians used often were BL, SP, CV, LR, KI, ST in order. The acupoint used on moxibustion only were 35 acupoints. The acupoints used often were CV3, BL30, GV4, CV8, SP6 in order and the meridians used often were CV, BL, SP, KI, LR in order. In case of comparative investigation about acupuncture & moxa point being found in the literature of the past and the modern age, in the past literature, acupoints curing a disease of internal genitals in women were selected. But on the other hand, in the modern literature, acupuncture points were selected by differentiation of symptoms and signs.



  1. 漢方婦人科學 宋炳基
  2. 韓醫婦人科學(上) 한의부인과학 편찬위원회
  3. 新編黃帝內經素間 王 凉
  4. 대한한방부인과학회지 v.6 no.1 帶下의 原因에 관한 文獻的考崇 崔銀洙;李仁仙
  5. 女科經淪 驚塡
  6. 集氏諸病源候論 榮元方
  7. 束垣t十種醫書 李 果(外)
  8. 濟陰綱目 武之望
  9. 葉天士女科 葉桂
  10. 儒門事親 v.1 張從正
  11. 博靑主女科 博山
  12. 新編丹溪心法附餘 朱丹溪
  13. 辨쵸奇聞(淸宮秘方) 陳士擇
  14. 針美甲乙經校注 張燥祥;徐國任(主編)
  15. 備急千金要方 孫思畿
  16. 聖濟總錄 趙借
  17. 鐵美資生經 王執中
  18. 鐵美玉龍經神應經合注 李羅珍
  19. 營學綱目 樓英
  20. 鐵美聚英 高武
  21. 鐵業大成 楊繼洲
  22. 六科證治準總 •女科 王肯堂
  23. 東醫資鑑 許淺
  24. 類經圖鷺 張介賓
  25. 舍崙道人鑛鈴要訣 李泰浩(譯註)
  26. 太乙神鑛美臨證錄 刻浩聲(編著)
  27. 實用鑛美學 呂長松
  28. 鐵努學 湯甲三
  29. 中國鐵美處方大成 王立早
  30. 鐵美治療婦女病 張晋峰
  31. 傳統實用鐵美學 液其云
  32. 鐵集集綿 鄭離山
  33. 鐵美學(下) 鐵努經穴學敎塞(編著)
  34. 中國誠美證治通堅 鄧島月;叢龍祥(主編)
  35. 最新 鐵美治療學 下卷 木下晴都
  36. 盞f奇穴集成 菉禹錫(編著)
  37. 中國鍊努學 程琴農(主編)
  38. 新編鐵美治療學 李道生(主編)
  39. 鐵集學 刻冠軍(主編)
  40. 鐵努準用 大圈大學校 韓醫科大學 第11期 卒業生(共編)
  41. 金騷要略 張仲景