침치료(동씨기혈(董氏奇穴))로 임상증상이 호전된 뇌수막종 환자 1례

A Case Report of Patient with Meningioma of Brain Clinically Improved By Acupuncture Treatment(Dongshiqixue)

  • Lee, Kang-Su (Bu-pyeong Serim Hospital of Traditional Korean Medicine) ;
  • Moon, Woong-A (Bu-pyeong Serim Hospital of Traditional Korean Medicine) ;
  • Lee, Jin-Hwa (Bu-pyeong Serim Hospital of Traditional Korean Medicine)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.30


방사선 촬영 및 임상증상을 토대로 수막종 진단을 받은 환자의 증상을 침치료(동씨기혈(董氏奇穴))로 호전시켰기에 이를 보고하는 바이다.

Acupuncture is a complementary medical treatment whose use in cancer patients has been recommended by the American Cancer Society (ACS) for the treatment of cancer and treatment-related symptoms. Pain, nausea, breathlessness, vasomotor symptoms and limb edema have all been found to respond to this treatment modality. This has become quite familiar to many Koreans not only for pain, but also for many other health problems, both in acute and chronic conditions. Actually, acupuncture is a therapeutic technique that is part of a larger system of traditional oriental medicine. There are several styles of acupuncture. We treated one 72-year-old female patient with Dongshiqixue Acupuncture Technique who had refused surgical operation for brain meningioma showing right hemiparesis, dysarthria, headache and dizziness. During the acupuncture treatment, there were no other adverse effects. After six day's treatment, she could ambulate and make usual life all by herself. On her brain magnetic resonence image follow-up, there was no interval change in meningioma. After discharged from our hospital, she has kept up her independent daily life as before. So it is suggested that some acupuncture treatment should be effect on brain meningioma clinically.



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