실리마린의 용출개선 및 흰쥐에서의 생체이용률 평가

Improved Dissolution Characteristics of Silymarin and Their Bioavailability in Rats

  • 발행 : 2003.03.20


Silybin is the main component of Cardus marianus extracts originated from Silybum marianum and has a hepato-protective effect. It is a water-insoluble compound and poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in very low oral bioavailability(BA). Polymeric mixed-micelle precursor formulation was made to enhance the dissolution rate of silybin, showing the results of pH-independent release profile with increased dissolution. Oral BA of different preparations in rats was evaluated, revealing that the new formulation showed increased BA more than 2-fold and 4-fold compared to the marketed product and Cardus marianus extracts itself, respectively.



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