A Study of Operation of Sungkyunkwan(成均館) Dining Room and Estimation of Food Cost

조선시대 성균관 유생 식당의 급식운영 고찰 및 급식비용의 추정

  • Han, Bok-Jin (Dept. of Traditional Food Culture, School of Culture & Tourism, Jeonju University) ;
  • Cha, Jin-A (Dept. of Traditional Food Culture, School of Culture & Tourism, Jeonju University)
  • 한복진 (전주대학교 문화관광학부 전통음식문화) ;
  • 차진아 (전주대학교 문화관광학부 전통음식문화)
  • Published : 2003.10.30


The purpose of this study was to review the operation systems and estimate the food cost of the dining room(進士食堂) in Sungkyunkwan, the highest national education institute of confucianism in the Chosun dynasty. ${\ulcorner}$the true records of the Chosun dynasty(朝鮮王朝實錄)$\lrcorner$, $\ulcorner$Taehak-Ji(太學志)$\lrcorner$ and $\ulcorner$Banjungjabyoung(泮中雜詠)$\lrcorner$were reviewed. Because the foodservices for the students were related to the Wonjeom(圓點) regulation, the qualification for the national examination(大科), Chosun dynasty government took the much considerations for the operation of the foodservice. Especially, YangHyunGo(養賢庫) was established to support the finances for Sungkyunkwan and took an important role to procure all the supplies including food. The budget of the foodservice was on a large scale. Over 960 suks(石) of rices were needed for the 200 students, and it can be converted as 276,480,000 won for the current price and the food cost per meal can be estimated about $4,000{\sim}5,000$ won.



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