Antimicrobial Activity of Hemidesmus indicus var.indicus R.Br. Against Human Isolates of Helicobacter pylori

  • Austin, Anoop (Herbal Cure Remedies) ;
  • Jegadeesan, M. (Department of Siddha Medicine, Faculty of Sciences, Tamil University) ;
  • Gowrishankar, R. (Department of Microbiology, SPK college)
  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


Hemidesmus indicus var. indicus belonging to the family Asclepiadaceae was screened for its activity against Helicobacter pylori(Hp) human isolates. Flowering and vegetative period samples were analysed. Aqueous (hot and cold) and solvent extracts (acetone, chloroform and methanol) were screened. Among them chloroform extract was observed to recover bioactive principles with low MIC and MLC. MIC was $75\;{\mu}g$ in both seasons and MLC was $100\;{\mu}g$ for vegetative and $75\;{\mu}g$ for flowering periods respectively. Extracts from samples collected during flowering period was better than that of vegetative period.



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