Journal of Oriental Medical Thermology (대한한방체열의학회지)
- Volume 2 Issue 1
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- Pages.24-28
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- 2003
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- 1598-592X(pISSN)
The Comparison of Right and Left Abdominal Temperature of dysmenorrhea patients using DITI
DITI를 이용한 월경통 여성의 좌우 복부온도 비교
- Kim, Seung-Hyun (Dept. of Oriental Gynecology, Kyung-hee Univ.) ;
- Ahn, Soo-Jeong (Dept. of Oriental Gynecology, Kyung-hee Univ.) ;
Cho, Jung-Hoon
(Dept. of Oriental Gynecology, Kyung-hee Univ.) ;
Jang, Jun-Bock
(Dept. of Oriental Gynecology, Kyung-hee Univ.) ;
Lee, Kyung-Sub
(Dept. of Oriental Gynecology, Kyung-hee Univ.)
- 김승현 (경희대학교 한방 부인과교실) ;
- 안수정 (경희대학교 한방 부인과교실) ;
(경희대학교 한방 부인과교실) ;
(경희대학교 한방 부인과교실) ;
(경희대학교 한방 부인과교실)
- Published : 2003.12.13
Purpose: We aim to research the difference of abdominal temperature in dysmenorrhea patients comparing with that of normal person. Metholds: We selected the 49 dismenorrhea patients as study group and 54 normal persons as control group, excluding the patients who have dermatitis, ared over 70 or under 10. and have extreme obesity. We compared the 4 points(Rt and Lt Gimun(LR14) and Guirae(ST29)) in thd abdomen of both group, check the temperature of those points with DITI(Dorex, DTI-16UTI) to compare the temperature difference with each other. For statistics, we use independent T-test, SPSS 8.0 for windows. Results: The temperature difference between Rt and Lt Gimun which are in upper abdomen shows statistically significant result in study group. Conclusion: The dysmenorrhea patients show larger temperature difference between Rt and Lt points in upper abdomen than normal persons. In lower abdomen, the temperature between control and study group shows little difference.