Physical Properties of Some Acetylbenzaldehydehydrazone Metal Complexes

  • Abd El Wahed, M. G. (Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Zagazing University) ;
  • Bayoumi, H. A. (Chemistry Department, College for Girls, Ain Shams University) ;
  • Mohammed, M. I. (Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Al Azhar University)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.20


A series of complexes of bivalent transition metal ions with acetyl benzal dehydehydrazone and its derivatives of general formula ML have been prepared and characterized with the help of conductometric, photometric and infrared studies. The stability constants and related thermodynamic functions of complexes were determined using the potentiometric technique at different temperatures. The formation of complexes is exothermic process with covalency nature. The electrical conductivity of some solid complexes was measured in the temperature range 289-353 K. The results revealed semiconducting properties for the studied complexes.



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