Kinetics Studies on the Mechanism of Hydrolysis of S-Phenyl-S-vinyl-N-p-tosylsulfilimine Derivatives

  • 발행 : 2003.03.20


Hydrolysis reactions of S-phenyl-S-vinyl-N-p-tosylsulfilimine (VSI) and its derivatives at various pH have been investigated kinetically. The hydrolysis reactions produced phenylvinylsulfoxide and p-toluene sulfonamide as the products. The reactions are first order and Hammett ρ values for pH 1.0, 6.0, and 11.0 are 0.82, 0.45, and 0.57, respectively. This reaction is not catalyzed by general base. The plot of k vs pH shows that there are three different regions of the rate constants $(k_t)$ in the profile.; At pH < 2 and pH > 10, the rate constants are directly proportional to the concentrations of hydronium and hydroxide ion catalyzed reactions, respectively. The rate constant remains nearly the same at 2 < pH < 10. On the bases of these results, the plausible hydrolysis mechanism and a rate equation have been proposed: At pH < 2.0, the reaction proceeds via the addition of water molecule to sulfur after protonation at the nitrogen atom of the sulfilimine, whereas at pH > 10.0, the reaction proceeds by the addition of hydroxide ion to sulfur directly. In the range of pH 2.0-10.0, the addition of water to sulfur of sulfilimine appears to be the rate controlling step.



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