Formation of Pyro-products by the Pyrolysis of Monobromophenols

  • Na, Yun-Cheol (Hazardous Substance Research Team, Korea Basic Science Institute) ;
  • Seo, Jung-Ju (Hazardous Substance Research Team, Korea Basic Science Institute) ;
  • Hong, Jong-Ki (Hazardous Substance Research Team, Korea Basic Science Institute)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.20


Thermal behavior of bromphenols was investigated by direct pyrolysis at high temperature. The thermal degradation products formed by the pyrolysis of mono-bromophenols (o-, m-, and p-) were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. During the pyrolysis reactions, several kinds of dioxins and furans were produced, and the relative ratio of pyro-products was dependent on the substituted position of bromine in phenolic structure due to the effect of symmetry and steric hindrance. The formation of dioxins can be explained by the phenoxy radical addition and Br atom elimination at an ortho-carbon site on phenolic structure. On the other hand, the formation of furans can be explained by the ortho-ortho carbon coupling of phenoxy radicals at unsubstituted sites to form o, o'-dihydroxydiphenyl intermediate via its keto-tautomer, followed by $H_2O$ elimination. The pyrolysis temperature has also a substantial effect on the dimerized products quantities but little effect on the type of pyro-products. Moreover, the formation mechanism of pyro-products was suggested on the basis of products identified.



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피인용 문헌

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