플라스틱 온실의 폭설피해 방지를 위한 가지주 장치 개발

Development of a Temporary Pole Supporting System to Protect the Plastic Greenhouses from Heavy Snow Damage

  • 남상운 (충남대학교 농업생명과학대학)
  • 발행 : 2002.07.30


The pipe framed and arch shape plastic greenhouse, which is the most popular greenhouse in Korea, is relatively weak in snowdrift. Reinforcement of rigid frame or column is required to reduce the damage from heavy snow in this type. But additional rigid frames or columns decrease light transmissivity or workability, and increase construction cost. So it is desirable to prepare some temporary poles and to install them when the warning of heavy snow is announced. This study was carried out to develop the temporary pole supporting system using galvanized steel pipes for plastic housing and to evaluate the safe snow load on a temporary pole. A pipe connector, which is inserted in the top of pipe used in the temporary pole and supports the center purline, was designed and manufactured to be able to carry the upper loads safely. And a bearing plate was safely designed and manufactured in order to carry the loads acting on it to the ground. When temporary poles of ${\phi}$ 25 pipe are installed at 2.4m interval, it shows that the single span plastic greenhouses with 5~7 m width are able to support the additional snow depth of 13.9~25.3 cm beyond the snow load supported by main frame.



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