- App. Biochem. Biotechnol v.45;46 An advanced bioprocessing concept for the conversion of waste paper to ethanol Scott, C. D.;B. H. Davison;T. C. Scott;J. Woodward;C. Dees;D. S. Rothrock
- Trans. IchemE. v.71 Production of fuel ethanol from the waste paper in garbage Wayman, M.;S. Chen;K. Doan
- Bioesour. Technol v.50 Ethanol from lignocelluosic bio-mass;technology, economics, and opportunities Wayman, C. E.
- Biotechnol. Prog v.14 Pretreatment for cellulose hydrolysis by carbon dioxide explosion Zheng, Y.;H.-M. Lin;G. T. Tsao
- Biotechnol. Prog v.13 Ul-trasound stimulates ethanol production during the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of mixed waste office paper Wood, B. E.;H. C. Aldrich;L. O. Ingram
- Biotechnol. Prog v.14 Enhancing enzymatic sacchri-fication of waste newspaper by surfactant addition Wu, J.;L.-K. Ju
- Biotechnol. Prog. v.17 Enzymatic hydrolysis of waste office paper using viscosity as operation parameter Park, E. Y.;A. Michinaka;N. Okuda
- Cellulose Hydrolysis Fan, L. T.;M. M. Gharpuray;Y.-H. Lee
- Biotechnol. Bioeng v.26 Enzyme deactivation during cellulose hydrolysis Howell, J. A.;M. Mangat
- Tappi v.35 Occurrence of cellulases in enzyme preparations from microoganisms Walseth, C. S.
- Pure Appl. Chem. v.59 International union of pure and applied chemistry, Applied chemistry division commission on biotechnology;Measurement of cellulase activities Ghose, T. K.
- US DOE Report NREL-CP-200-5768 v.2 Waste paper and Pulp Sludge as Feedstock for Ethanol Production Sosulski, K.;B. Swerhone