국제물품매매계약하(國際物品賣買契約下)의 손해배상금(損害賠償金) 산정(算定)에 관한 연구(硏究)

A Study on the Measurement of Damages under Int'l Sale Contract of Goods

  • 발행 : 2002.02.28


This study sumed up general rules for measuring damages based on SGA, UCC, CISG, PICC legislated by on the base of English decision of Hadley v. Baxendale Concluding marks as follows : (1) General rule for measuring damages is a standard rule that is developed to place the aggrieved party in as good a position as if the party in breach performed the contract. (2) Damages may also be accompanied by other remedies (3) Damages has alternative character (4) Damages give the aggrieved party full compensation (5) It is enough for the aggrieved party simply to prove the non-performance for damages (6) Occurence of harm must be reasonably certain and a direct consequence of non-performance (7) while Rule for measuring damages an UCC is concrete CISG is comprehensive. (8) Although rule of UCC and CISG for damages measurement is a similar in many aspect but there are in expression and range of damage between them. (9) the result of this study will give researchers the opportunity to develope in depth and their report of research also contribute chance to perform business their effective oversea's trade
