치위생과 학생의 환자 기피에 영향하는 환자 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Characteristics of Patients Affecting the Behavior of Students Majoring in Dental Hygiene Avoiding Patients

  • 발행 : 2002.06.30


This study is designed to offer basic materials necessary for the instruction of effective clinical practices and the establishment of relationship with patients by means of making an analysis of the characteristics of patients affecting the behavior of students majoring in dental hygiene avoiding patients and countermeasures. With this in mind, the researcher worked with sophomores and juniors exposed to clinical practices during the period ranging from October 22, 2001 to November 9, 2001. The researcher came to the following conclusions on the basis of the findings of this survey. 1. The characteristics of patients influencing the behavior of avoiding them were categorized into appearance characteristics, personality characteristics, treatment-cooperative characteristics, and speech and behavior characteristics. Speech and behavior characteristics(4.26) turned out to be the most influential factor of all, which was followed by treatment-cooperative characteristics(3.68), personality characteristics(3.62) and appearance characteristics(3.42) in the right order. 2. The survey shows that foul breath and obnoxious oral(3.94) cavity were the worst factors of appearance characteristics and that using abusive language and being too aggressive(4.41) were the worst factors of personality characteristics. The study reveals that not putting faith in trainees(4.02) was the highest factor of treatment-cooperative characteristics and that using abusive language(4.50) was the highest factor of speech and behavior characteristics. 3. There was a significant positive relation between the domains of the characteristics of avoiding patients. The study indicates that the more subjects avoided the characteristics of patients, the more they avoided appearance characteristics(r =.444, p<.001) and that the more subjects avoided treatment-cooperative characteristics, the more they avoided appearance characteristics(r=.324, P<.001) and personality characteristics(r=.691, p<.001), and that the more they avoided speech and behavior characteristics, the more they avoided appearance characteristics(r=.265, p<.001) and personality characteristics (r=.531, p<.001). 4. The study shows that there was a significant difference between appearance characteristics and the growth areas of the subjects(p<.05) and that there was a significant difference between the satisfaction of clinical practices(p<.05) and health status(p<.05) in terms of personality characteristics. 5. The subjects avoided preschoolers, whose age ranged from 4 to 6(33.5%), most and avoided boys(71.4%) more than girls. They avoided those who were bereft of jobs(62.9%). And they avoided handicapped persons most in terms of special patients and avoided infant patients(31.0%). 6. The subjects turned out to have negative and passive countermeasures against those patients that had ever been avoided. So the researcher would like to suggest that theoretic education and training programs should be conducted in this respect by incorporating this mailer into the hygiene curriculum.
