실버계층(階層) 여성(女性)의 의복(衣服) 자아(自我)이미지에 따른 의복구매성향(衣服購買性向)

A Study of Clothes Buying Orientations based on Clothes' Self-Image of Silver Agelver Women

  • Bae, Hyun-Sook (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Catholic University of Taegu) ;
  • Yoo, Tai-Soon (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Catholic University of Taegu) ;
  • Jo, Ki-Yeu (Dept. of Beauty Design, Keochang Provincial College)
  • 발행 : 2002.09.30


The purpose of this study is to find out the orientations and characteristic in clothes buying of each age group of elderly women, based on the actual self-image and the ideal self-image of clothing. Grasping the diversity of their clothes' buying orientations will be helpful in making a better merchandise production planning for apparel, and in launching new brands into the market. The study will also provide useful data in developing sales strategies which enable to supply goods that meet consumers' needs and tastes in the quality market, and consequently will help to classify the market. Samples were 488 women of 55 and over, dwelling in Pusan Metropolitan City. The data was analysed by using MANOVA, ANOVA, and the Cronbach's $\alpha$ reliability was also applied. The conclusions based on the theoretical background and the result of questionnaire surveys were as follows: 1. The order of priority of buying orientations based on clothes's actual self-image was 'practicality', 'cautiousness' and 'economical effectiveness' without regard to age. The items that showed the significant differences in 50's were 'cautiousness', 'experimentation', 'fashion-consciousness' and ostentatiouness, and in 70's were 'economical effectiveness', 'experimentation', 'impulsiveness' and 'environmental friendliness', and none in 60's. 2. The order of priority based on clothes' ideal self-image was the same as that of actual one, and there was no significant difference between age groups.



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