The opinionnaire was given to two groups; residents and public officials working at environmental administrative section. Based on the result of questionnaire, perceptional differences between these groups toward environmental NGOs were comparatively anaIyzed. The results were classified into following four items; Firstly, numbers of residents who recognize the existences of environmental NGOs in Kyonggi-Do were lower than those who didn't. Secondly, in both groups, more than 80% of respondents acknowledged that residents should be involved in decisions and developments of environmental projects. Thirdly, respondents belonging to both groups overwhelmingly selected the item "being improved" as the answer for the question asking whether NGOs' environmental activities contribute to improve of environmental conditions. This indicated that public officials also acknowledged the positive role of NGOs in environmental issues. Lastly, the answer of "intensive upbringing is necessary" was ranked as the first place for the question asking "necessity of raising environmental NGOs". However, it was hard to tell which opinion was superior in the matter of financial support necessity for NGOs judging from the answers by respondents of public officials.