Users Basic Characteristics for Designing the User Interface of Mobile Phone - Focus on the twenties and the thirties -

휴대폰의 사용자 인터페이스 설계를 위한 사용자들의 기초 사용특성 분석 - 20대와 30대 사용자들을 중심으로 -

  • Received : 20010200
  • Accepted : 20011200
  • Published : 2002.03.31


In mobile phone, complex user interface tend to cause the degradation of product usability. This problem is mainly due to the small hardware user interface of mobile phone. That is, because many functions must be operated in small hardware interface, the principle of one-to-one mapping between a function and a control is disregarded in design, often. In order to resolve this problem, users' characteristics must be considered in the user interface design of mobile phone. So, users' basic characteristics that must be considered in the user interface design of mobile phone were studied through two experiments, questionnaire survey and user testing.



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