Quality of Service(QoS) in the telecommunications can be evaluated by analyzing the opinion data which result from the surveyed opinions of respondents and quantify subjective satisfaction on the QoS from the customers' viewpoints. For analyzing the opinion data, MOS(mean opinion score) method and Cumulative Probability Curve method are often used. The methods are based on the scoring method, and therefore, have the intrinsic deficiency due to the assignment of arbitrary scores. In this paper, we propose an analysis method of the opinion data using logit models which can be used to analyze the ordinal categorical data without assigning arbitrary scores to customers' opinion, and develop an analysis procedure considering the usage of procedures provided by SAS(Statistical Analysis System) statistical package. By the proposed method, we can estimate the relationship between customer satisfaction and network performance parameters, and provide guidelines for network planning. In addition, the proposed method is compared with Cumulative Probability Curve method with respect to prediction errors.